

Owning a firearm for self defense purposes is referenced in Section 13 of the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000. Any natural person who has a need to acquire a firearm for self defense would need to motivate the need for such firearm and in terms of the Act, and may only hold one license for this purpose. We fully support ownership of a firearm for self defense purposes. It is an effective method to protect your self and your family if used within the boundaries of the law. Owning a firearm for self defense does not guarantee ones safety. There are many techniques that can assist any firearm owner to protect life. Be your own first Responder.

Carrying a firearm for self defense, one has to take the following into consideration:

  • Firearm safety comes first
  • Always act in a responsible way
  • Know how to operate and use your firearm
  • Always try and avoid any potential harmful situation
  • Always be prepared and vigilant
  • Try and avoid confrontational situations at all times, put as much distance between you and the assailant
  • Assess the situation and be sure your life is in imminent danger
  • Always carry your firearm concealed
  • Never draw and point your weapon if you do not intend to use it, you may well end up with your firearm in the assailant hands or face charges of “pointing of a firearm”
  • Taking someone life has far reaching physiological consequences that will stay with you for ever, think before you point your firearm at another human.

In self-defense training, there are various codes or levels of readiness that individuals may adopt to assess their state of preparedness and response to potential threats. These codes can vary depending on the system or organization teaching self-defense, but I’ll provide you with a general overview of commonly used readiness codes:

  1. Condition White: This state refers to being completely unaware and unprepared for a potential threat. In Condition White, individuals are typically relaxed, oblivious to their surroundings, and may not be mentally or physically ready to respond to an attack.

  2. Condition Yellow: This state signifies a relaxed but heightened sense of awareness. In Condition Yellow, individuals maintain a general state of alertness and observe their environment, looking for potential signs of danger. This state allows for early recognition of potential threats and provides time to assess and plan a response if necessary.

  3. Condition Orange: This state indicates a specific and immediate threat has been identified. In Condition Orange, individuals are prepared to take action and have mentally and physically prepared themselves to address the threat. They may establish a defensive posture, plan escape routes, or prepare to engage the threat if necessary.

  4. Condition Red: This state represents an imminent threat or an attack in progress. In Condition Red, individuals are actively engaged in defending themselves or others. This includes using physical techniques, deploying self-defense tools, or employing strategies to neutralize the threat.

  5. Condition Black: This state reflects a state of panic or total mental and physical shutdown. Condition Black may occur due to overwhelming fear, stress, or a physical or psychological incapacity to respond effectively.

It’s important to note that these readiness codes are general concepts and may be adapted or modified in different self-defense systems. The purpose of these codes is to provide individuals with a framework for assessing their readiness and taking appropriate action based on the perceived threat level.

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