Firearm License Categories

Licence to possess a firearm

License to possess a firearm for self-defense (Section 13)

A person may only possess one firearm for the purpose of this section, a shotgun that is not fully or semi-automatic, or a handgun that is not fully automatic. The license, which is issued in terms of this section, is valid for five years from the date of issue, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

License to possess a restricted firearm for self-defense (Section 14)

A person may only possess one restricted firearm for the purpose of this section, which is a semi-automatic rifle or shotgun, which cannot readily be converted into a fully automatic firearm. The license, which is issued in terms of this section, is valid for two years, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

License to possess a firearm for occasional hunting or sports shooting (Section 15)

A person may possess four firearms for the purpose of this section, which is a handgun not fully automatic; a rifle or shotgun, which is not fully/semi-automatic; or the barrel, frame or receiver of such a handgun, rifle or shotgun, which is regarded a firearm and must also be licensed. If a person is in possession of a firearm license for self-defense in terms of section 13, he/she may only apply for three firearm licenses for the purpose of this section. Applications in terms of sections 13 and 15 collectively may not exceed four firearms. The license, which is issued in terms of this section, is valid for 10 years, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

Occasional Hunting Supporting documents for could include the following:

      • Species of game an applicant wishes to hunt.
      • Proof of participation in hunting activities
      • A letter indicating where hunting will take place.
      • A declaration from the farm owner where hunting will take place.
      • Detailed motivation regarding his/her interest in hunting

Occasional Hunting Supporting documents for could include the following:

      • Species of game an applicant wishes to hunt.
      • Proof of participation in hunting activities
      • A letter indicating where hunting will take place.
      • A declaration from the farm owner where hunting will take place.
      • Detailed motivation regarding his/her interest in hunting
Licence to possess a a firearm for dedicated hunting or dedicated sports shooting (Section 16)

The firearms for the purpose of this section include:

      • A handgun, which is not fully automatic.
      • A rifle or shotgun, which is not fully automatic.
      • or the barrel, frame or receiver of a handgun, rifle or shotgun, which is regarded as a firearm and must also be licensed.

The license, which is issued in terms of this section, is valid for 10 years, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

Supporting documents:

      • Documentary proof of dedicated membership of an accredited sports shooting organization or hunting association
      • All evidence of any of your activities you have proof of
      • Any additional certificates related to sport shooting or hunting.

Professional hunting (Section 16a)

      • Documentary proof of dedicated membership of an accredited professional hunting association.
License to possess a firearm in private collection (Section 17)

A person may apply for a license for any firearm which is of a collectible value and has been approved for collection by an accredited collector’s association and must belong to an accredited collector’s association. In terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000, a person may apply for a license to collect certain prohibited firearms and devices contemplated in section 4 of the Act. The Act does not put a limit on the number of firearms a person may possess under this category. The license, which is issued in terms of this section, is valid for 10 years, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

License to possess a firearm and permit to possess ammunition in public collection (section 19)

The Registrar may issue a license to possess a firearm in a public collection and a permit to possess ammunition in a public collection to a public collector. The firearm and ammunition may only be displayed in an accredited museum in accordance with such safety measures, as may be prescribed. A firearm in respect of this section may only be used on an accredited shooting range in accordance with the rules of that shooting range and in accordance with the conditions that the Registrar may impose. The holder of the permit may not possess more than 200 rounds of ammunition unless the Registrar approves the possession of the higher number in writing. The license, which is issued in terms of this section, is valid for 10 years, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

License to possess a firearm for business purposes (section 20)
    • A security company.
    • A person who is accredited to provide training in the use of firearms.
    • A person who is accredited to provide firearms in theatrical, film or television productions.
    • A person who is accredited as a game ranger.
    • A person who is accredited to conduct business in hunting.
    • Any person who is accredited to use firearms for such other business purpose as the Registrar may determine.

Supporting documents for occasional hunting could include the following:

  • Documentary proof of registration with SIRA.

The following are supporting documents for training in the use of firearms; theatrical, film or television production; game ranger and business in hunting:

  • A certified copy of an accreditation certificate
  • The surname and identify numbers of all trainers in a business.
  • Motivation to substantiate the application.

The license, which is issued in terms of this section, namely the license to possess a firearm for business purposes, is valid for five years, unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, 2000.

  • Additional license (Dual License held by two persons)
  • The following requirements for additional licenses must be met:
  • The applicant must reside at the same premises as the holder of the license.
  • The applicant must comply with all requirements for the issuing of the license to possess the respective firearm.
  • The additional license forms part of the maximum number of firearms a person may license in terms of the respective categories.
  • The validity of the license will be the same as that of the main license that is issued.

The license will be cancelled if the main license is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Act.

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